The sequential number party is simply a party that revolves around the numbers 1, 2 and 3. It can presumably, then, be extended into any sequence of numbers: squared numbers, cubed numbers, the Fibonacci numbers. For simplicity of explanation, I will explain the 1,2,3 theme, and one may modify the plans to fit any other theme.
Each guest is invited to bring one of a certain item, two of another, and three of yet an other item. For instance, Guest A may bring a button, two paper clips, and three ribbons. Party favors, in turn, would also include a selection of items in similar style: perhaps a kitkat bar, two snickers, and one pixy stix.
The food also should reflect the theme. My favorite idea uses cupcakes. There is a selection of three plain flavors: chocolate, yellow, and red velvet cupcakes. Then, there are the marbled cupcakes with a mix of chocolate and yellow cake, chocolate and red cake, and yellow and red cake. Lastly, there is a triple marble cupcake, with all three ingredients. To further reflect the sequential number theme, choosing only two types of marbled cupcakes would produce 1, 2, and 3 kinds of cupcakes (in reverse order-- three plain, two marbled and one triple-marble). To really drive the theme home, put only one sprinkle on the plain cupcakes, two sprinkles on the marbled cupcakes, and three sprinkles on the triple marbled.
Ask guests to RSVP for one, two or three people on the invitation. Suggest that they can come once, twice or three times. Ask everyone as they arrive if they would like one drink, two, or three.
Games involving the numbers 1, 2 and 3 can also be played, or possible playing one game once, another game twice and then a third game three times.
I can't believe I didn't think of this one.